Thai Martial Arts are comprised of many unique and ingenious traditions, techniques, concepts, ceremonies and practices however, like virtually all other Martial Arts prior to the twentieth century, a uniform system of ranking was not part of the curriculum.
Over centuries of battlefield and later,
sporting combat in Siam and abroad, there was no real distinction between
teachers and disciples other than the designation of "Kru" (ครู) and "Sit" (ศิษย์).
Kru, which roughly translates as
"teacher" or "master", is derived from the traditional
Sanskrit title of "Guru". The title of Guru has been used ubiquitously
in India for Millennia to describe experts in a broad range of fields; both
religious and secular. The title of Kru however, was seen as an inadequate in
today modern climate of traditional Martial Arts in clarifying seniority among
it's title holders. Traditionally, age and/or Martial proficiency used to
determine which Kru held seniority.
Beginning in the late 1950s Muay Thai came
into the consciousness of those outside of Southeast Asia in general and
Thailand in particular, on a large scale when Karate practitioners began
learning the Art in Japan.
It was in 1975 when Masters Woody (Chinawut
Sirisompan) Toddy (Thohsaphol Sitiwatjana) and Sken (Kaewpadung) began sharing
the methods and culture of Thai Boxing with Europeans. This would cause a
domino effect that disseminated the Art across the globe.
In 2003 a group of the world's top experts and
scholars of Muay Thai Boran banded together to form an association with the
most ambitious objectives ever undertaken for the Art. Senior Grand Masters.
Yodtong Senanan (Sriwaralak), Phosawat Saengsawan, Jarusdej Ulit, GM. Pranom
Ampin (Kru Dang) Dr. Sompon Saengchai, Pajon Muenson and Nachapon Banlenpadit;
along with Grandmaster Woody, who was still living in England at the time,
founded the "Kru Muay Thai Association" (สมาคมครูมวยไทย) and registered the organization with the Royal
Thai Government's National Cultural Commission Ministry of Culture on May 9th,
2003. recognized by the Thai government throughout the to the Ministry of
Culture and Education. .
Realizing the inadequacy of an absence of a
standardized ranking system, the collective, spearheaded by Grandmaster Woody,
went about creating a ranking system that would combine tradition with
innovation and garner the Art the much needed and deserved legitimacy and
structure in the modern world of Martial Arts Sciences.
Grandmaster Woody used his extensive knowledge of Traditional Thai Culture
Grandmaster Woody set about the tedious journey of codifying a revolutionary ranking system for the Martial Art of Muay Thai Boran.
Grandmaster Woody's objectives in the development of this ranking system went beyond just standardization and included two other important goals :
1. The first objective of the Khan ranking system was to provide former professional fighters a means to utilize their knowledge and experience in making a living for themselves once they retire from fighting. In Thailand professional fighters tend to retire around the age of 25, these still youthful men often find themselves working in dead end jobs with no prospect of upward mobility, wasting their talents and knowledge. The Khan grade provides these valuable Martial Artists a means to become accredited and recognized by the Thai government and earn a meaningful living with the skills and knowledge that they spent years of their life developing.
2. The second aspect of the Khan ranking system that the Grandmasters sought to address was the fact that many individuals outside of Thailand and even within the borders of the Kingdom had an interest in learning the traditional Martial Art of Muay Thai Boran but we're not interested in being fighters. Many of the world's best teachers and Grandmasters have themselves never in fact participated in the ring fighting sport of Muay Thai but rather are true Masters and Scholars of the rich Traditional Marital Art which encompasses an in-depth knowledge of the various ancient styles. The Khan ranking system gives those who are not fighters recognition for their years of dedicated practice and study of the Art by certifying them as legitimate experts in the field Muay Thai Boran.
This system, which came to be called the "Khan" (ขั้น) grading system, consists of 19 grades or levels.
The first 10 grades are student grades.
The Khan grades of 1 through 4 are novice or beginner levels;
Khans 5 through 7 signify intermediate ranks; and
Khans 8 through 10 are reserved for advanced students.
Khan 10 is the Kru Muay Thai Association's Khan grade equivalent of a "Black Belt" in other Martial Arts.
Those students who have achieved the rank of Khan 10 and have a desire to become instructors undergoing a ceremony known as "Krop Kru" and begin as apprentice or Trainee/Assistant Instructors known in Thai as "Puchuay Kru" (ผู้ช่วยครู), at the rank of Khan 11 or Mongkol 1. Khan 11 holders wear red and white Mongkol and Brajeat and a red uniform with white sleeve trim, red collar with Thai designs and a white sash or "Pakaoma" (ผ้าขาวม้า).

After a period of at least one year, and at the discretion of and recommendation of supervising superior Khan grade Instructor, the Trainee may take the exam to become a "Kru" (ครู), or Teacher/Fully Qualified Instructor. Mongkol 2 holders wear a red and yellow Mongkol and the traditional red uniform with yellow sleeve trim, red collar with Thai embellishments and a yellow sash.
Once awarded Khan 12 or Monkol 2, the exponent may apply for a promotion to Khan 13 known as "Kru Yai" (ครูใหญ่) or Senior Instructor/Assistant Master, after a duration of three to five years since being promoted to Khan 12, providing that they have met all of the requirements and pass the examination of khan 13 or Mongkol 3 representatives wear a red and silver Mongkol and the red uniform with silver sleeve trim, red collar with Thai designs and a silver sash.
The next level of achievement is the rank of Khan 14. Khan 14 signifies the first level of "Mastership" which is known in the Thai language as "Ajahn" (อาจารย์). Like the aforementioned designation of Kru, Ajahn is derived from Sanskrit title of "Acariya". Promotion to the rank of Master is a very significant honor reserved only for the most dedicated Muay Thai Boran exponents who demonstrate extraordinary knowledge of the Art and contributions to its proliferation in their nation and abroad.
Applicants for Khan 14 for must present themselves to the Kru Muay Thai Association's Executive Committee, made up of the Senior Grandmasters, for the examination or khan 14 or Mongkol 4 holders wear a silver Mongkol and the red uniform with silver sleeve trim and collar and a silver sash.
Once Mastership has been earned, the Master will then, through continued work and promotion of the Art and their nation and the world as a whole, be considered for the rank of Khan 15 or Mongkol 5. This fifth Mongkol marks the commencement of the highest honor and responsibility known as "Grand mastership".
Mongkol 5 or khan 15 much like Mongkol 1 and 3, is an apprentice rank where the Master becomes an Assistant Grandmaster known in the Thai language as "Puchuay Bramajahn" (ผู้ช่วยปรมาจารย์).
This Assistant Grandmaster works closely with a Grandmaster on the path to becoming a full Grandmaster. Mongkol 5 representatives wear a red uniform with silver sleeve trim and a gold collar, a silver and gold sash with a gold and silver Mongkol.
Once promoted to Assistant Grandmaster, the title holder is eligible for advancement to the sacred rank of full Grandmaster after a minimum period of 7 to 10 years since obtaining Mongkol 5.
Khan 16 or Mongkol 6 denotes certified Grandmaster or "Bramajahn" (ปรมาจารย์) and is a rare and high honor indeed. Bramajahn, much like all terminology used in Thai Martial Arts, is also derived from Sanskrit words of "Brahma", the principal Hindu deity considered the first and supreme deity.
Once becoming a Grandmaster, the next stages again after a minimal period of 7 to 10 years is Khan 17 or "Puchuay Brahmajahn Awuso" (ผู้ช่วยปรมาจารย์อาวุโส) which means Assistant Senior Grandmaster.
Khan 18 or "Rong Bramajahn Awuso" (รองปรมาจารย์อาวุโส), meaning Accociate Senior Grandmaster.
Finally, the highest-rank possible in the Khan system, Khan 19 or Senior Grandmaster, "Brahmajahn Awuso" (ปรมาจารย์อาวุโส), a title reserved for only a select few of the most accomplished knowledgeable and honorable representatives who have dedicated their entire lives to the promotion proliferation and advancement of the Noble Art and have made consistent and significant contributions.
Mongkol 9 is a rank only held by five living Grandmasters after one of the chief founders of the Kru MuayThai Association, the legendary GM. Yodtong, passed away in 2013.
Mongkol's 6-9 all wear the red uniform with gold sleeve trim and collar, gold sashes and gold Mongkols.